Oak Park, IL

NOTE: I hope you'll pardon the lighting on these,
I put my energies into delivering top quality
marketing content NOT into the video production!

legal: full testimonial and typical results disclosure statement


Why EXISTING businesses need to use this system!

(click play twice to start)

"Unless you know your market excruciatingly well, like you talk to people every single day, ...there is haze that you're not seeing through, and there are pockets of profit that are ... in your mind they're all mushed together but they're really separate ... your market isn't really one market it's four markets, and they each want different things ... and you know how to slice that up ... that's what Glenn's system is really about!"!"   - Perry Marshall, Oak Park, IL


(click play twice to start)

"This is all about knowing a market, ... and it's so thorough that even if you don't have personal experience in that market you can still go into it and find out, what are the things that people will pay money for!"   - Perry Marshall, Oak Park, IL


Knowing a MARKET is much more important than knowing MARKETING

(click play twice to start)

"If you could distill this down to a single principle its that the best marketers in the world know MARKETS first and foremost, and secondly they're students of MARKETING.  It's more important to know a MARKET than to know MARKETING, and I teach people MARKETING!  And so, as far as this seminar is concerned, it's all about knowing a market, and it's so thorough that even if you don't have personal experience in that market you can still go into it and find out, what are the things that people will pay money for!"   - Perry Marshall, Oak Park, IL